10 Traits of an Authentic Montessori School

There is no copyright on the word “Montessori”, meaning anyone can use it, and they do! However, not every program using the word “Montessori” is actually aligned with the vision and methodology of Dr. Maria Montessori.

What makes a Montessori school “authentic”?

1. Knowledgable and trained educators: An authentic Montessori classroom is led by a educator who is trained on the materials and methods of their age group. Dr. Montessori was very specific about how materials were meant to be used, and they are most effective when demonstrated properly to students. As our young school has grown we have always prioritized educator training, and we are proud to say that all of our classrooms are currently led by educators who have been trained or are in the process of training at their age level by a MACTE certified program. .

2. Mixed age classroom: One foundational tenet of Montessori is a mixed age group within each program. A mixed age classroom allows for peer to peer learning and leadership, giving each student the opportunity to receive guidance from their peers and, when it is their turn, lead.

3. A multi-hour work cycle: An uninterrupted work cycle is a critical component to student success. During work cycle students work independently, with educators, and with peers and are given the space and time to dive deeply into works that interest them and hold their attention. At Peace Rose all of our programs have a 2.5-3 hour work cycle.

4. A curriculum tailored to each child: In a multi-age group learning happens one on one or in small groups. Instead of everyone sitting together to do a lesson each child is moving through the curriculum at their own pace. This allows educators to equally support the students who race ahead, the students who are making steady progress, and the students who need more time with a material or concept. Each student is met where they are and guided through the curriculum by the educator.

5. A beautiful environment filled with Montessori materials: Maria Montessori developed a rich collection of materials that span from the infant age through elementary. An authentic Montessori program is based on these materials, beautifully displayed and cared for.

6. Self-directed learning: In a Montessori classroom, the teacher is the environment. A Montessori educator’s job is to observe, adjust the environment, and guide the student as needed. The student’s learning journey is theirs alone. We know that when they come to materials with joy and true curiosity, they thrive. Students in an authentic Montessori environment are intrinsically motivated to do challenging and meaningful work.

7. A rich cultural studies curriculum: Dr. Montessori believed that it was vital to raise citizens of the world. Throughout the year Montessori students will learn about cultures all over the world, focusing on what makes each of us unique and what unites us as humans. At Peace Rose we place a strong emphasis on the narratives of aboriginal cultures as we explore world history.

8. A calm and peaceful classroom: A Montessori classroom is filled with the buzz of focused, busy students. The educators fade into the background, quietly guiding and giving lessons. Students are deep in concentration, those that are up are moving through the classroom with purpose, looking for their next work.

9. An emphasis on independence: Beginning with the very youngest students, Montessori puts an emphasis on independence and self care. Cultivating independence awakens intrinsic motivation and self confidence, showing the child that they are capable. Many parts of the Montessori day revolve around giving children the space, opportunity, and support to accomplish tasks independently.

10. Accreditation: A surefire way to tell if a program is “authentic” Montessori is to inquire about their accreditation. In the United States there are a number of different accrediting agencies, though the most common are the American Montessori Society (AMS), the Association Montessori International (AMI), and the International Montessori Council (IMC). Peace Rose is a proud member school of the American Montessori Society.