Toddler Classroom

Ages: 18 months - 3 years*

The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing them for school, but for life - Maria Montessori


The Montessori curriculum begins at the toddler level and strives to foster independence, teach grace and courtesy, encourage mastery of practical life skills and self care, and give the child ownership over their environment. Montessori students are lifelong learners and our students are given the opportunity to grow and thrive in their educational experience. 

  • We encourage fine and gross motor development through play based learning, hands on manipulative materials, and a nature inspired outdoor play area. 

  • Grace and courtesy is a bedrock of the Montessori philosophy and an important part of our curriculum. We work on kindness, care for others, and care for the environment through modeling appropriate behaviors and positive redirection. 

  • Care of self is one of the young child’s biggest works. Plenty of time is built into our schedule to accommodate independence and self care. 

  • Music and movement are incorporated daily into our groups and classroom routine.

  • Transitions are a constant learning opportunity for the young child. Our daily schedule makes special room for transitions to happen peacefully and at the pace of the child. 

  • We know that literacy is developed in the young child through vocabulary and reading. Teachers use complex vocabulary when speaking to students and model proper grammar and syntax. Reading in small groups, one on one with a teacher, and one on one with a kindergartener is a beautiful way for children to learn to value and respect books. 

  • We begin teaching letter sounds as the child shows interest. We teacher letter sounds before letter names, working with the children to correlate the sound of the letter and the symbol. 

  • We work on fundamental pre-math skills such as one to one correspondence and counting with the students as they show interest and readiness. 

*Age Range: This class begins the year as a mix of children from 18 months - 35 months and will end with students who are 2 - 3.5. We do not move children between programs mid-year.

Daily Schedule: 

Drop off line 8:00-8:30, students put items away and begin work cycle; Morning group @ 8:30; Workcycle 8:45-10:45; Outside Play 10:45- 11:45; Lunch 11:45- 12:30; Nap 12:30- 2:45; Dismissal 3-3.30